Search results for “writing the book”

Showing 1132 results
Best of Storyboard 2013 — reader favorites

Best of Storyboard 2013 — reader favorites

We’ve configured this year’s Best of Storyboard roundup by category* this year, as opposed to ranking them by readership, though we’ll say that in terms of pageviews the Gay Talese/Elon…
Annotation Tuesday! Lillian Ross and Ernest Hemingway

Annotation Tuesday! Lillian Ross and Ernest Hemingway

It’s easy, now, to see Lillian Ross’s 1950 New Yorker Profile of Ernest Hemingway for what it is: a masterpiece. But 63 years ago, this wasn’t so obvious. Ross, as…
"Narrative Sweat & Flow," Part 4: Tom Hallman Jr. and Chris Jones

“Narrative Sweat & Flow,” Part 4: Tom Hallman Jr. and Chris Jones

Editor’s note: The Oregonian’s Simina Mistreanu spoke to seven narrative journalists for her University of Missouri School of Journalism master’s project on longform. Last week, we ran her setup, a piece on the…
"Narrative Sweat & Flow," Part 3: Amy Harmon and Anne Hull

“Narrative Sweat & Flow,” Part 3: Amy Harmon and Anne Hull

Editor’s note: The Oregonian’s Simina Mistreanu spoke to seven narrative journalists for her University of Missouri master’s project on longform. On Tuesday, we ran her setup, a piece on the challenges and importance…
"Narrative Sweat & Flow:" Seven writers, one inquiring student

“Narrative Sweat & Flow:” Seven writers, one inquiring student

Editor's note: First, an introduction, by Jacqui Banaszynski, the Knight Chair in Editing at the Missouri School of Journalism, and winner of the 1988 Pulitzer Prize for feature writing: Whenever aspiring young…
Pinned: Thanksgiving Week reading

Pinned: Thanksgiving Week reading

Our Pinterest boards grow daily with recommended reading/watching/listening, and with storytelling tips, narrative news, gear, and more. We curate the best of the collection here on Storyboard weekly. In case…
What they're tweeting: oral histories

What they’re tweeting: oral histories

Twitter breeds all kinds of storytelling conversation starters, and we’ve started rounding them up. Texas Monthly’s Pamela Colloff tweeted for recommendations on crime writing and empathy a couple of weeks…

“Why’s this so good?” No. 87: Hunter S. Thompson and the Kentucky Derby

It’s easy to miss. A sobering second, surrounded by intemperance. But there it is, the transitional scene after Hunter S. Thompson opens “The Kentucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved” with…
The Storyboard shortlist on Veterans Day

The Storyboard shortlist on Veterans Day

Some of the recommended Veterans Day reading that’s turning up on Twitter today, plus a few other Storyboard favorites:“The bugle that sounded the end of the first World War,” by…

“Pebbles in the Pond: Touching Hearts One Story at a Time”

Editor’s note: This is the fourth and last piece covering this year’s “Power of Storytelling” conference, in Bucharest. For the setup, and to watch Esquire‘s Chris Jones talk about the intersection of storytelling and…