Search results for “writing the book”

Showing 1132 results
Pinned: Wells Tower, James Agee, Jill Lepore, David Foster Wallace, John Jeremiah Sullivan, Jennifer Egan, Sylvia Plath

Pinned: Wells Tower, James Agee, Jill Lepore, David Foster Wallace, John Jeremiah Sullivan, Jennifer Egan, Sylvia Plath

Pinned this week, for your storytelling pleasure:Interviewland: Wells Tower talked to Bookforum about alternating between the worlds of journalism and fiction. When asked what he makes of longform’s new popularity…
Well hello there.

Well hello there.

Welcome, new readers! Our audience has grown considerably lately, so we thought this might be a good time to recap Storyboard’s goods and services, and to invite you to follow…
Professor Hersey: one student, the iconic author of 'Hiroshima,' and 6 timeless takeaways

Professor Hersey: one student, the iconic author of ‘Hiroshima,’ and 6 timeless takeaways

In good fiction, the reader absorbing a compelling narrative never notices the writer as intermediary. In nonfiction, that translator’s presence is inevitable. Since the former is the ideal relationship with…
Get Pinterested, Storyboard style

Get Pinterested, Storyboard style

Join Nieman Storyboard on Pinterest! We’re expanding our reach via categories on everything from reporting resources to tip sheets. Among our growing number of boards:Narrative news: Fresh quick reads, pinned daily.…
Annotation Tuesday! Amy Wallace and one of "the most despised and feared" men in Hollywood

Annotation Tuesday! Amy Wallace and one of "the most despised and feared" men in Hollywood

When Amy Wallace profiled then-Variety editor Peter Bart for Los Angeles magazine, she took on issues of access, personality, misdirection, industry politics, journalism and retaliation. To write about a guy…
"The Prophets of Oak Ridge"

“The Prophets of Oak Ridge”

Our latest Notable Narrative: “The Prophets of Oak Ridge,” Dan Zak’s 9,448-word Washington Post project—and, as of this morning, e-book—about a house painter, a drifter and an 82-year-old nun who…
How's it going with The Big Round Table and other narrative ventures, Michael Shapiro?

How’s it going with The Big Round Table and other narrative ventures, Michael Shapiro?

As if longtime Columbia J-school professor Michael Shapiro didn’t already have enough to do, with Big Round Table launching in September: Yesterday he put 17 of his students’ stories online…
Why Charles Ramsey’s interview is great (and it’s okay* to think so)

Why Charles Ramsey’s interview is great (and it’s okay* to think so)

Everybody loved the Charles Ramsey interviews on freeing Amanda Berry, one of three young women abducted in Cleveland a decade ago and apparently held captive all this time. Then of…
"Why's this so good?" No. 77: Danny and the carjackers

"Why’s this so good?" No. 77: Danny and the carjackers

@GlobeMoskowitzOne of the most riveting stories to emerge from the Boston Marathon bombing coverage was the Boston Globe piece, by Eric Moskowitz, about “Danny,” the young Chinese entrepreneur who spent…
Annotation Tuesday! Eli Saslow and the family con

Annotation Tuesday! Eli Saslow and the family con

A top reporter and storyteller, Eli Saslow was named a Pulitzer Prize finalist in feature writing two weeks ago for his story about a struggling swimming pool salesman.Today, in the…