Search results for “writing the book”

Showing 1132 results
"Why's this so good?" No. 38: Walt Harrington deconstructs Rita Dove

"Why's this so good?" No. 38: Walt Harrington deconstructs Rita Dove

Writing about the writing process isn’t easy, for good reason. Turning words into sentences and sentences into scenes is at heart a craft, yet there’s still a certain amount of…
Getting the story: Luke Dittrich and the tornado

Getting the story: Luke Dittrich and the tornado

In Thursday’s post we excerpted nice lines from the five National Magazine Award finalists in feature writing. These included Luke Dittrich’s “Heavenly Father!...,” from Esquire, about survivors of the Joplin,…
"Why's this so good?" No. 37: Ben Hecht walks the high wire of voice

"Why’s this so good?" No. 37: Ben Hecht walks the high wire of voice

I love teaching “The Pig” because students, especially narrative nonfiction students, always freak out. “Wait, we can do this?” they want to know.Yes, you can do this and I’d like to…

“Why’s this so good?” No. 36: Alice Steinbach and one boy’s vision

I wish I had come to this assignment when Alice Steinbach was still alive. I could have thanked her one last time for writing “A Boy of Unusual Vision,” a…

Keeping you up to date on Storyboard

You might notice editors switching seats in the days ahead. In the interest of keeping readers in the loop, we want to let you know that Storyboard editor Andrea Pitzer…

“Why’s this so good?” No. 35: Malcolm Gladwell on ketchup

Malcolm Gladwell does so many things well as a feature writer that it’s embarrassing to mention them all. I’ll list a few of them anyway: Malcolm Gladwell is astonishingly quotable.…
Dahlia Lithwick on long-form, sob stories and the Supreme Court

Dahlia Lithwick on long-form, sob stories and the Supreme Court

In this week’s Notable Narrative, we took a semi-quantitative look at how Dahlia Lithwick’s story on a wrongful conviction used one person’s experience as a narrative thread to present a…
Narrative journalism around the world: Argentina, Romania, Belgium and the Netherlands

Narrative journalism around the world: Argentina, Romania, Belgium and the Netherlands

America tends to get credit for adding narrative journalism to the literary canon. And there’s no doubt that the combination of timely reporting and timeless writing took on new and…
“Why’s this so good?” No. 32: Darcy Frey on the brink

“Why’s this so good?” No. 32: Darcy Frey on the brink

It’s been 16 years since I first read Darcy Frey’s piece about the overwhelming, stressful job of being an air traffic controller – 16 years since I first swore never to…

The essence of story, in a 358-word song

When I was little, my mama worked the early shift at the seafood plant. She’d drop me off at my Aunt Janice’s house before dawn and they’d lay me down…