Search results for “writing+the+book”

Showing 1134 results

“Why’s this so good?” – The badass women edition

From the “Why’s this so good?” archives, a handful of great reads about, or by, brilliant, brave, inspiring women, featuring Joan Didion, Rita Dove, Calvin Trillin, Julia Barton, Edna Buchanan,…
Robert Caro, Part 2: On work habits, enthusiasm and minimizing distraction

Robert Caro, Part 2: On work habits, enthusiasm and minimizing distraction

On Thursday, we ran Part 1 of Robert Caro’s conversation with the Washington Post’s Anne Hull, on reporting, sacrifice, sources and finding book projects. Today, in the second and final part,…
Annotation Tuesday! Jeff Sharlet and the iron closet

Annotation Tuesday! Jeff Sharlet and the iron closet

Last week, on the eve of the Sochi Olympics, GQ published "Inside the Iron Closet," a Jeff Sharlet story that revealed disturbing details about what it's like to be gay in…
The big idea: How to find enterprising stories

The big idea: How to find enterprising stories

Editor’s note: A great many Storyboard readers are journalism students, nonfiction writers in MFA programs, and beginning reporters and editors. The pieces in our Essays on Craft department cater to…
A champion of nonlinear narratives: An interview with documentary filmmaker Florian Thalhofer

A champion of nonlinear narratives: An interview with documentary filmmaker Florian Thalhofer

When Florian Thalhofer shows one of his interactive documentaries in theaters, he arms the audience with laser pointers. Whenever there is a choice of which clip to watch next, the…
Storytelling and policy: The Washington Post's new narrative project

Storytelling and policy: The Washington Post’s new narrative project

The expansive projects that Washington Post Executive Editor Marty Baron announced today is good news for narrative journalists in two ways: The paper plans to expand the Sunday magazine (we…
Annotation Tuesday! Buzz Bissinger and "The Killing Trail"

Annotation Tuesday! Buzz Bissinger and “The Killing Trail”

Buzz Bissinger’s “The Killing Trail” — his unremittingly bleak 1995 account of “fag-bashing” in Texas — was his first story for Vanity Fair. (He is still a contributor, and has…
3 countries, 4 conferences

3 countries, 4 conferences

If only we could start an international narrative-journalism conference crawl — sort of like a pub crawl, but with pencils and notebooks — here’s how we’d map out the year:“Power of Narrative:…
The journalist and Dr. V

The journalist and Dr. V

To be a journalist on Twitter in the past four days has meant taking part, one way or another, in one of the more heated story dissections in recent memory.…
Meet the Storytellers: The Nieman Class of 2014

Meet the Storytellers: The Nieman Class of 2014

Every fellow who comes through Lippmann House is a storyteller of a sort, whether with words or visuals or data or sound. The Class of 2014 arrived from across journalistic…