Search results for “writing the book”

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The necessary work of writing

The necessary work of writing

By Jacqui BanaszynskiFor five years now, I’ve been acutely aware of the arrival of Friday mornings. Not because my datebook tells me so. Not because the weekend is ahead. But…
Reporting and writing scenes: The foundational building block of stories

Reporting and writing scenes: The foundational building block of stories

In Narrative Elements 2, Lauren Kessler explores the multiple methods of reporting required to collect the raw material for meaningful scenes
A guide to clear writing in tangled times

A guide to clear writing in tangled times

By Katharine GammonRoy Peter Clark says he never meant to write another book about writing.Clark, a senior scholar at The Poynter Institute, had already written or edited 20 books about…
How to free your writing with free writing

How to free your writing with free writing

Timed free writing — no stopping, no correcting, no fretting — can leapfrog mental paralysis to a "shitty" but valuable first draft
A whimsical request inspired some essential writing tools

A whimsical request inspired some essential writing tools

Writing scholar and author Roy Peter Clark responded to a quirky (and somewhat brash) letter with a lifetime list of writing wisdom
A veteran newsman teaches writing through music

A veteran newsman teaches writing through music

Chuck Haga and his students exchange favorite music of their generations to explore metaphor and meaning that can make writing sparkle
Guidance on the lonely road of writing

Guidance on the lonely road of writing

A group of mid-career freelancers found inspiration, tools and fellow travelers in a weeklong nonfiction writing workshop
Writing practice with a purpose

Writing practice with a purpose

By Jacqui BanaszynskiAs we turned the last pages of 2022, I am pondering the years past and the year ahead and the concept of writing practice.I’ve spent my professional life…
Your next book club list: National Book Award winners and finalists

Your next book club list: National Book Award winners and finalists

The 2022 National Book Awards were announced this week. I expect I am not alone in adding the winners in fiction and nonfiction to my wish list and handing it,…
WriterL, the book: A "greatest hits" collection of narrative discussions

WriterL, the book: A “greatest hits” collection of narrative discussions

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is one of two essays about the new book “A Place Called Writer L,” a collection of listserv discussions from the 1990s and 2000s. Tomorrow, co-editor Stuart…