The Winter issue of Nieman Reports, with the theme “Writing the Book,” is now online. It includes contributions from digital publishers, narrative writers, and a passel of journalists who have gone on to tackle book-length projects. Here are a few highlights:
In “Writing a Life, Living a Writer’s Life,” former Nieman fellow Gaiutra Bahadur recounts her pursuit of her family’s story and a book contract that would give her a chance to tell it.
“It’s a Long Article. It’s a Short Book. No, It’s a Byliner E-Book” is Byliner founder and CEO John Tayman’s look at a new publishing model, and a way to pull audiences toward an author’s entire body of work.
Mitchell Zuckoff traces the path from inspiration to research to story (and sometimes even switching stories) in “Feeling It’s a Book, Then Pausing To Wonder If It Is.”
In “Novels Win Out Over Journalism,” William Dietrich, another former Nieman fellow, talks about the transition from journalism to book-length nonfiction and fiction.
For more, head over and read the full issue at our sister site. And check back tomorrow for our contribution to Book Week: “When journalists become authors: a few cautionary tips,” by Bloomsbury Press publisher and editorial director Peter Ginna.