
How audience can guide your writing

How audience can guide your writing

The editor and a friend engage in a respectful debate about who they think of when they write
How a reporter glimpsed the future of America in a crystal-ball city

How a reporter glimpsed the future of America in a crystal-ball city

Atlantic writer George Packer takes readers to the grounded realities of America's battles over growth, race, climate change and water
"Go out, little book, into the world."

“Go out, little book, into the world.”

—From an interview with author Margaret Atwood
The art of the narrative interview: Filling in scenic details

The art of the narrative interview: Filling in scenic details

A last phase of interviewing is to gather the details that create cinematic scenes written with a distinct POV and camera lens
The art of the narrative interview: Sequencing your story

The art of the narrative interview: Sequencing your story

A matrix of spreadsheets and physical calendars can help a writer organize notes, track scenes and visualize a story timeline
The art of the narrative interview: Finding the story's arc

The art of the narrative interview: Finding the story’s arc

To gather the goods for a successful narrative, a central focus of interviewing needs to track the journey of situation or event
The art of the narrative interview: Pre-interviewing for a successful pitch

The art of the narrative interview: Pre-interviewing for a successful pitch

A narrative journalist and nonfiction author shares how she pre-reports to find a viable story and a compelling central character
A spotlight on the art of the interview

A spotlight on the art of the interview

Nonfiction journalist, author and teacher Kim Cross explores the techiniques she uses in interviewing for narrative stories
Effective editing: Navigating failures of the military's mental health system

Effective editing: Navigating failures of the military’s mental health system

A project annotation by Alexandra Zayas of ProPublica offers insights to how an editor sees story potential and guides reporters
Effective editing: Trust and Ted Lasso-style cheerleading

Effective editing: Trust and Ted Lasso-style cheerleading

For the ProPublica deputy managing editor Alexandra Zayas, emotional intelligence is as important as journalistic craft skills