
Neo-Nazis, childhood abuse and even a solemn E.B. White -- here's to better weeks

Neo-Nazis, childhood abuse and even a solemn E.B. White — here’s to better weeks

This has been an unsettling week. Who will forget the look on that one Charlottesville marcher’s face, a terrible echo of the hate seen on other faces as Hitler rose…
5(ish) Questions: Andy Kopsa and the slow payoff of freelance longform work

5(ish) Questions: Andy Kopsa and the slow payoff of freelance longform work

With fewer staff writers at newspapers and magazines, freelance journalists have more opportunities to take on longform features – both on and offline.[pq]Q: What would you tell other freelancers who…

“Even on the most beautiful days in the whole year – the days when summer is changing into autumn – the crickets spread the rumor of sadness and change.”

Why is it great? Here in E.B. White’s Maine, August is bittersweet, bringing whispers of summer’s end even at the height of its ripeness. Apples, the fruit of fall, begin…
Pat Beall and "Sexually abused as a child: A Post reporter's journey to finding hope"

Pat Beall and “Sexually abused as a child: A Post reporter’s journey to finding hope”

Pat Beall’s distinguished career at The Palm Beach Post has been marked by exhaustive and meticulous investigations.[pq]”I knew I did not want to create a parade of horrors, and in…
The journalistic power of empathy: making connections that elevate the writing

The journalistic power of empathy: making connections that elevate the writing

Empathy is one of the greatest gifts a journalist can have. If you come by it naturally, you can actually feel what your subject is feeling, and that can be a…
5(ish) Questions: Maud Newton and her science-meets-personal-essay "I, Rodent"

5(ish) Questions: Maud Newton and her science-meets-personal-essay “I, Rodent”

A few days ago, I had the disturbing experience of stepping barefoot on the bloody, decapitated body of a mouse. My first reaction was of course a back-wheeling step away…

“In his blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars.”

—F. Scott Fitzgerald, "The Great Gatsby."
How a midcareer print writer mastered the "magic stick" in a 9-week radio Hogwarts

How a midcareer print writer mastered the “magic stick” in a 9-week radio Hogwarts

Nearly two years ago, I was one of dozens of Los Angeles Times reporters who took a buyout and left the paper. I liked my job almost all the time.…
"Lolita," lobsters and David Foster Wallace: Now that's what we call a party

“Lolita,” lobsters and David Foster Wallace: Now that’s what we call a party

The annual Maine Lobster Festival is underway, so it seemed like a good time to go big on lobsters. Of course, festival organizers might not have been huge fans of David…
Notable Narrative: Nicole Lucas Haimes and "Who Killed Julian Pierce?"

Notable Narrative: Nicole Lucas Haimes and “Who Killed Julian Pierce?”

The article “Who Killed Julian Pierce?” was unusual on at least three counts. It was the author’s first magazine story. It took nearly 30 years to write. And it came…