
Andrea Pitzer


<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Andrea Pitzer</strong></a> is the author of three books of narrative nonfiction that explore untold histories. She was the editor of Nieman Storyboard from 2009-2012,

Can ER teach us anything about medical news stories?

Can ER teach us anything about medical news stories?

Yesterday, The Harvard Crimson posted a fascinating article about the power of storytelling. Neal Baer, executive producer of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, spoke at a Radcliffe event titled “Telling…
Interview with Mary Gaitskill: lessons from &quot;Lost Cat&quot;

Interview with Mary Gaitskill: lessons from "Lost Cat"

Today we offer the second installment of a two-part look at narrative nonfiction from Granta’s summer issue. I spoke with author Mary Gaitskill about “Lost Cat,” her memoir on the…
Interview with Mitch Epstein: Images of “American Power”

Interview with Mitch Epstein: Images of “American Power”

In September, photographer Mitch Epstein spoke by phone with us about his project “American Power,” which was highlighted in Granta’s summer issue. Epstein has worked as a fine art photographer…

Innocence and suspense: David Grann’s “Trial by Fire”

David Grann “Trial by Fire,” from the September 7 issue of The New Yorker, recounts the story of Cameron Todd Willingham, executed in Texas for setting fire to his house and…

Narrative, News and Conferences

Today the Online News Association wraps up its 2009 Conference in San Francisco. Thursday’s pre-conference video workshops from The Washington Post’s Chet Rhodes and Ford Fellow Richard Koci Hernandez sound…

The Oregonian’s Shawn Levy on how to find the story

At last weekend’s American Association of Sunday and Feature Editors conference, keynote speaker Shawn Levy spoke about "getting the story" and the connections between writing books and journalism. The film…

Starting with pictures

The St. Petersburg Times’ latest narrative project started with photographer John Pendygraft’s wife giving him an assignment.  A medical reporter, she had been covering the policy issues of the health care…

End of the Line

If fictional detective Philip Marlowe closed up shop and started traveling the country as an itinerant reporter, he might sound something like Charlie LeDuff in “End of the Line,” our…

The Boo Radley character

Today at the American Association of Sunday and Feature Editors (AASFE) conference, St. Petersburg Times reporter Lane DeGregory talked about how her Pulitzer-winning feature “The Girl in the Window” came…
Interview with Chris Jones: Building a mystery

Interview with Chris Jones: Building a mystery

Excerpts from a September 2009 interview with Chris Jones on "The End of Mystery," in which a team of investigators recovers bodies and determines the cause of a helicopter crash off the coast of…