Story Craft

The Persuasive Narrator

We call lots of things “stories” in American journalism, but very few of them are true narrative storytelling. Most journalistic accounts are reports, whose primary purpose is to pass along information…

Stories Are Everywhere

There are stories everywhere. Any idea could probably be a story if you had enough time and stamina, but I try to expedite the process a bit.I read whatever I…

War-at-Home Narratives, Their Promise and Failures

Narratives that treat the impact of the Iraq War on American families and society often find their central theme in such remarks as “He was proud to serve his country,”…

News Feature v. Narrative: What's the Difference?

A narrative is a story that has a beginning, middle and end. It engages the reader’s mind and heart. It shows actors moving across its stage, revealing their characters through…

The Akron Beacon Journal's Narrative Group

I started a narrative group at the Akron Beacon Journal in January 2004. We meet roughly twice a month to discuss narrative techniques, how to apply them and improve the…

14 Tips for Building Character

This essay is adapted from Rick Meyer’s notes for a talk at the 2005 Nieman Narrative Editors’ Seminar. Rick’s presentation was paired with Laurie Hertzel’s talk on scenes. We probably ought…

Six Writing Tips for Crafting Scenes

As you map out the story, there are a lot of things for you to consider

Jon Franklin interviewed by Ole Soennichsen

What is your advice on structuring a story while reporting? You report for structure the same way you report for anything else. When you’re reporting for dramatic narrative, you’re reporting…

Building Character: A Checklist

Newspaper folks talk a lot about getting people into stories. But all too often that means trotting out direct quotes from a variety of sources. True characterization taps an array of…

The Line Between Fact and Fiction

Journalists should report the truth. Who would deny it? But such a statement does not get us far enough, for it fails to distinguish nonfiction from other forms of expression.…