Story Craft The making of a (born) journalist Carl Bernstein of Watergate fame may have been hard-wired to be a reporter but he also worked hard at his craft March 17, 2023 Don Nelson How to free your writing with free writing Timed free writing — no stopping, no correcting, no fretting — can leapfrog mental paralysis to a "shitty" but valuable first draft February 8, 2023 Korrina Duffy A whimsical request inspired some essential writing tools Writing scholar and author Roy Peter Clark responded to a quirky (and somewhat brash) letter with a lifetime list of writing wisdom February 7, 2023 Roy Peter Clark A veteran newsman teaches writing through music Chuck Haga and his students exchange favorite music of their generations to explore metaphor and meaning that can make writing sparkle February 3, 2023 Chuck Haga Guidance on the lonely road of writing A group of mid-career freelancers found inspiration, tools and fellow travelers in a weeklong nonfiction writing workshop January 17, 2023 Betsy Mason If journalism is part of the problem, can it be part of the solution? It is not enough for stories to expose problems to societal problems; they should explore how people tackle those problems January 6, 2023 Lauren Kessler Compression: It’s not just for socks Ads on radio and news sites here in Seattle are promoting “Potted Potter,” a romp of a stage play that retells all seven Harry Potter books — more than 4,000… December 22, 2022 Jacqui Banaszynski Social-change journalism can make “good trouble” A Vanderbilt professor wraps up his case for seven reframes of problem-centered story work with a summary of risks and rewards December 16, 2022 Paul A. Kramer Making good journalistic trouble, Part VII: Seeing through other moral lenses Stories that challenge value judgments and assumptions can help readers reconsider those blamed for and stigmatized for social problems December 15, 2022 Paul A. Kramer Making good journalistic trouble, Part VI: Shared responsibility for social problems Stories can be framed and reported to show how everyday choices and actions can be connected to oppression and poverty December 14, 2022 Paul A. Kramer Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … 38 Next