Narrative News

More recognition of work by freelancer Katie Engelhart

More recognition of work by freelancer Katie Engelhart

In case you missed it:Terry Gross, host of NPR’s “Fresh Air,” had a rich conversation this week (March 9, 2021) with freelance journalist and author Katie Englehart about the legal…
A creative daily distraction became a journey of discovery

A creative daily distraction became a journey of discovery

Daily meanderings that became ephemeral art that became a political statement that became a historical discovery tour have now become a book.A few weeks ago, retired sports editor Cathy Henkel…
Go behind the scenes of four 2020 George Polk Award winners

Go behind the scenes of four 2020 George Polk Award winners

The George Polk Awards were established 73 years ago to honor George Polk, a CBS correspondent who was killed while covering the civil war in Greece. They now rank among…
A Black reporter sets off on a journey of "My Country"

A Black reporter sets off on a journey of “My Country”

It’s been just over two years since we wrote about Tyrone Beason, then a Seattle Times columnist who had fallen out of love with the city as its tech-fueled growth…
Sharpen your narrative journalism skills in 2021 at these writers’ conferences

Sharpen your narrative journalism skills in 2021 at these writers’ conferences

EDITOR’S NOTE: This post was updated on June 1, 2021, with new information. Changes or additions are highlighted.If you’re feeling stalled and rusty in your writing, you’re far from alone.…
"We start with more questions than answers..."

“We start with more questions than answers…”

—Washington Post executive editor Martin Baron in a retirement letter to the staff
An imperfectly perfect photo that honored content over style

An imperfectly perfect photo that honored content over style

By now, you’ve no doubt seen a few dozen — or several thousand — of the creative memes featuring Bernie’s Chair. Or is it properly thought of as Bernie’s Mittens?…
America's first hip-hop inaugural poem ties history to the present, optimism to urgency

America’s first hip-hop inaugural poem ties history to the present, optimism to urgency

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is one of two posts today analyzing the power of the presidential inaugural poem delivered Jan. 20, 2020, by Amanda Gorman, and reflecting on its place in…
A reporter's search for "lost history" becomes a best-selling book

A reporter’s search for “lost history” becomes a best-selling book

Worthy books are released almost every day. No doubt more than a few authors bemoaned the publication of their hard work this past year, when so much of the world’s…
Fifty years of Robert Caro's reporting notes going public

Fifty years of Robert Caro’s reporting notes going public

Oh, to study those yellowed pages, with words pecked by a typewriter, then crossed out and scribbled over and typed on more pages. To marvel at those scrapbooks — more…