Search results for “5 questions”

Showing 752 results

Michael Kruse and the woman who disappeared in her own home

In July 2011, Michael Kruse of the St. Petersburg Times (now the Tampa Bay Times) wrote a haunting story about the “disappearance” and death of a woman named Kathryn Norris. He did it…

Jon Franklin and “Mrs. Kelly’s Monster”

Jon Franklin’s “Mrs. Kelly’s Monster,” which in 1979 won the inaugural Pulitzer Prize for feature writing, ran 33 years ago but never loses its power to captivate or instruct. Franklin…
Viewfinder: Video journalism that works

Viewfinder: Video journalism that works

Whenever I go out on an assignment I get a few of the same questions from onlookers who see me with my tripod and my reasonably large video camera: “What…
"I wanted people who were beautifully imperfect" -- Isabel Wilkerson on finding characters (Mayborn 2012, vol. 3)

"I wanted people who were beautifully imperfect" — Isabel Wilkerson on finding characters (Mayborn 2012, vol. 3)

Isabel Wilkerson closed out the Mayborn by describing the 15 years she spent reporting and writing her book, The Warmth of Other Suns. The book chronicles the migration of 6…
"You will always have work, and it will be the best kind of work" -- Richard Rhodes on writing (Mayborn 2012, vol. 2)

"You will always have work, and it will be the best kind of work" — Richard Rhodes on writing (Mayborn 2012, vol. 2)

Richard Rhodes, the Pulitzer-winning author of The Making of the Atomic Bomb, and of 23 other books, delivered one of the keynotes at this year’s Mayborn Conference for Literary Journalism.…
Jeanne Marie Laskas and Thomas Lake on sportswriting, voice, source love and more (Mayborn 2012, vol. 1)

Jeanne Marie Laskas and Thomas Lake on sportswriting, voice, source love and more (Mayborn 2012, vol. 1)

If you were following the activities out of Grapevine, Texas, last weekend you might’ve seen tweets like this one:And this one:And these:Peter Simek of D magazine recapped this year’s Mayborn Literary Nonfiction…

The AP’s Kristen Gelineau, Ravi Nessman and Mary Rajkumar on the Saroo Brierley saga

Two AP reporters and an editor on three continents produced the story that we’ve chosen as our latest Notable Narrative. Kristen Gelineau (Sydney), Ravi Nessman (Delhi), and Mary Rajkumar (Miami; she’s the AP’s international enterprise editor) collaborated on the two-part…

Saroo Brierley Goes Home

A 5-year-old boy and his older brother, who live in a slum of India, board a train to go beg in a nearby city. The boy wakes up and his brother…
Narrative + investigative: tips from IRE 2012, Part 2

Narrative + investigative: tips from IRE 2012, Part 2

In Part 1 of our coverage of this year’s Investigative Reporters & Editors conference, Kiera Feldman, a This Land correspondent, rounded up tips on documents and data, the latest in…
Narrative + investigative: tips from IRE 2012, Part 1

Narrative + investigative: tips from IRE 2012, Part 1

In Part 1 of our coverage of this year’s Investigative Reporters & Editors conference, Kiera Feldman, a This Land correspondent, rounded up tips on documents and data, the latest in web research, source relationships, and…