Search results for “Nieman conference on narrative journalism”

Showing 228 results

“I never intended to write a Starbucks story.”

Starbucks employee Jannette Navarro and her son, Gavin, were the subjects of a story by New York Times reporter Jodi Kantor. (Reprinted with permission.) Few pieces of journalism — let…

Annotation: John Jeremiah Sullivan and “Upon This Rock”

[Editor’s note: John Jeremiah Sullivan‘s “Upon This Rock” is by now a modern classic of literary journalism: writer rents an RV, experiences a Christian rock festival (and certain revelations) with a…
It's Mayborn week!

It’s Mayborn week!

The 2014 Mayborn Literary Nonfiction Conference opens Friday at the University of North Texas. The Saturday and Sunday workshops are full but you can still register for the keynote events. This year’s…

The 2014 Pulitzers: A gap year for features

The Pulitzer judges’ decision* not to award a prize in Features Writing on Monday was disappointing but not unprecedented.** The last (and only other) gap occurred 10 years ago, when…
Annotation Tuesday! Roger Angell and the pitcher with a major-league case of the yips

Annotation Tuesday! Roger Angell and the pitcher with a major-league case of the yips

Roger Angell has been writing stories about baseball since the year before John F. Kennedy was assassinated. He’s been a contributor to The New Yorker since 1944 and became fiction…
The Bread Loaf files: Ted Conover, Cheryl Strayed, Richard Bausch and Robert Frost on craft, dedication, discipline, poetry and what to ban from your bookshelf

The Bread Loaf files: Ted Conover, Cheryl Strayed, Richard Bausch and Robert Frost on craft, dedication, discipline, poetry and what to ban from your bookshelf

This week’s theme: semi-obscure archives that might prove valuable to your narrative storytelling. On Tuesday, we highlighted Mark Berkey-Gerard‘s posts on multimedia narrative, which he warehouses at his classroom-based website, Campfire Journalism. Today,…
Annotation Tuesday! Jeff Sharlet and the iron closet

Annotation Tuesday! Jeff Sharlet and the iron closet

Last week, on the eve of the Sochi Olympics, GQ published "Inside the Iron Closet," a Jeff Sharlet story that revealed disturbing details about what it's like to be gay in…

Interactive siren song + “How are you making money?” (The Future of Digital Longform, Part 2)

In Part 1 of our recap of the Tow Center’s Future of Digital Longform conference, Emily Bell and Joe Sexton talked about when (and to what extent) a story should be snowfalled,…

The future of digital longform, Part 1: “Snow Fall” (yep, that again — worth it) + poetry + how we read

Columbia University’s Tow Center for Digital Journalism hosted a daylong Future of Digital Longform conference recently, and it was full of good stuff. (They kindly invited Storyboard to appear on…
Top 10 Top 10 Lists — storytelling edition

Top 10 Top 10 Lists — storytelling edition

Because why not a list of lists? Ten* worth the storyteller's time:1) “130 years of must-read stories for digital journalists: five lessons from 1851-1981,” by Abraham Hyatt, editor of the…