Search results for “Nieman conference on narrative journalism”

Showing 228 results
Finding a narrative in "our most urgent national conversation": the one about guns

Finding a narrative in “our most urgent national conversation”: the one about guns

How three reporters, a national news chain and 21 strangers who met to talk became a 5,000-word tale with character, intimacy, structure and drama
The Power of Narrative conference captures the #MeToo zeitgeist

The Power of Narrative conference captures the #MeToo zeitgeist

With writers like Roxane Gay, the Globe's Sacha Pfeiffer and The New York Times' Emily Steel, the yearly gathering focused on the uncomfortable truths of sexual abuse
Start 2018 out right with some literary journalism conferences and workshops

Start 2018 out right with some literary journalism conferences and workshops

The Power of Narrative: Telling True Stories in Turbulent TimesMarch 23-25Boston UniversityBoston, MassachusettsIt looks like the longest-running narrative journalism conference is making a point of spotlighting great female journalists and…
Katherine Boo's 15 rules for narrative nonfiction — now this is a "must-read"

Katherine Boo’s 15 rules for narrative nonfiction — now this is a “must-read”

At the Mayborn Conference for storytellers, the Pulitzer winner warns against falling in love with the craft too much, and says that “getting it right matters way more than whether…
Fake news and true facts, and the licenses taken in pursuit of narrative

Fake news and true facts, and the licenses taken in pursuit of narrative

All journalism is a kind of fiction, one writer argues, because of the intercession of the reporter; as our attitudes on truth and nonfiction have grown more atomized, the most…
Literary journalism gets some love, from "Hiroshima" to Shane Bauer's prison exposé

Literary journalism gets some love, from “Hiroshima” to Shane Bauer’s prison exposé

A weekly roundup of some favorite things, for your reading and listening pleasure
In flames: journalism under fire, and the terrible beauty of wildfire photography

In flames: journalism under fire, and the terrible beauty of wildfire photography

Just in time for the weekend, here’s a little list of some of the things I’ve been listening to and reading this week, some of it online — Storyboard included,…
"Power of Narrative" Conference: Mary Roach's bad habits

“Power of Narrative” Conference: Mary Roach’s bad habits

Mary Roach doesn’t do her homework. She didn’t go to J-school. By her own admission, she’s never quite sure she knows what she’s doing.“I always have the sense that I’m…
"Power of Narrative" Conference: How Shakespeare would go viral

“Power of Narrative” Conference: How Shakespeare would go viral

What does Shakespeare have to do with clickbait? How much in common did ancient indigenous peoples have with the Twitter community? Was Dante’s “Inferno” the original “explainer” story?Amy O’LearyThe surprising…

Notable Narrative: Ken Armstrong, T. Christian Miller and “An Unbelievable Story of Rape”

Two reporters working for different organizations combined to create a better story