Search results for “coronavirus”

Showing 79 results
Bearing witness inside a funeral home at the pitch of the COVID pandemic

Bearing witness inside a funeral home at the pitch of the COVID pandemic

Josh Sanburn went deep into a place of death — and found a story that teems with life.In “The Last of the First Responders,” published in June in Vanity Fair, …
If no one reads the news, did it happen?

If no one reads the news, did it happen?

The self-checkout line at my funky neighborhood grocery was wide open, but I waited for the old-fashioned line, with a checker and a bagger. I don’t like to weigh my…
Fashion reporting as cultural criticism

Fashion reporting as cultural criticism

When President Donald Trump staged a controversial Fourth of July celebration at Mount Rushmore, a sea of journalists covered the show. Among them: Washington Post fashion critic Robin Givhan.But Givhan…
How to become a "five-tool" storyteller

How to become a “five-tool” storyteller

Major League Baseball, that beloved summer sport, returns to a shortened season later this month. Or at least it is scheduled to, but as with all things in the time…
Navigating ethics, culture and safety to immerse in immigration and Covid

Navigating ethics, culture and safety to immerse in immigration and Covid

At first glance, there are few frills or fireworks in “Tatiana’s Luck,” Hannah Dreier ‘s profile of an immigrant living in a crowded New Jersey house stalked by COVID-19. In the…
What crisis reporting can teach about better sports reporting

What crisis reporting can teach about better sports reporting

Most 20-something sports journalists don’t find themselves covering something as raw and emotional as the aftermath of one of the deadliest natural disasters in American history. But here was Benjamin Hochman, sitting in the lobby of the Doubletree hotel in Dallas with…
Reporting the emotionally sensitive story through trauma and physical distance

Reporting the emotionally sensitive story through trauma and physical distance

As a reporter for the Metro section of the Los Angeles Times, Angel Jennings explores issues affecting residents in South Los Angeles. Throughout 2019, she was one of the primary bylines…
The challenge of writing a life in two lines

The challenge of writing a life in two lines

On May 23, 2020, (May 24 in print), the New York Times landed a daring and historic front page: A wash of overwhelming gray, which jumped to two more gray…
A confluence of hard news that demands uncomfortable considerations

A confluence of hard news that demands uncomfortable considerations

All news is the stuff of history. But some deserves more than a dusty archive to be stumbled upon by a research scholar. It is an immediate marker that demands…
"... the only true medicine I could provide."

“… the only true medicine I could provide.”

They are no longer novel, these personal stories the front lines of the coronavirus. Reporters are barred from the kind of immersion that allows eye-witness accounts from that expanding front.…