Search results for “guardian” Showing 98 results Making good journalistic trouble, Part III: Stories of empowerment and action A Vanderbilt professor argues for stories that help readers and affected people alike see that they can make a difference in the face of social ills December 9, 2022 A better way to teach writing? Try journalism A PhD in literature argues that journalism, not "comp," is the most effective way to help college student learn to write October 6, 2022 The Pitch: Landing a “definitive narrative” in The Atavist Magazine Editor Seyward Darby: "I definitely want people who are willing to strip a story down to its basics and figure out how to build it back up." August 18, 2022 Four years of reporting follows new threads in a previously reported crime story Katia Savchuk spent a year pre-reporting before she pitched The Atavist on a nuanced story of crime and mental illness August 17, 2022 How Rolling Stone revisited a mass tragedy to ‘humanize the horrendous’ After the Florida condo collapse, Matt Sullivan vowed not to forget a teen survivor. The year-later profile has credibility, empathy and a haunting ending July 26, 2022 A successful investigative career and a vision led Jim Morris to take a risk The Pivot: Neither the pandemic nor uncertainty blocked Morris' launch of a start-up devoted to public health reporting March 18, 2022 An obit gets honest and goes viral “A plus-sized Jewish redneck lady died in El Paso on Saturday.” That’s the first line of the unforgettable obit of Renay Mandel Corren, who died in December at age 84.… January 25, 2022 The bold Joan Didion story you probably never read A charter member of IRE carried lessons from Didion's probe of the 1989 Central Park jogger case throughout his career January 13, 2022 Reporting through privacy and pain to expose the scandal of Black amputations National Magazine Award winner Lizzie Presser documents the discrimination that leaves Black diabetes patients without easy and affordable care September 15, 2021 A radio producer and print reporters partner on a narrative for multiple platforms EDITOR’S NOTE: Read an annotation of the prologue and first act of This American Life’s “Anatomy of Doubt.”CAUTION: The stories linked to and discussed in this package describe details of… June 2, 2021 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next