Search results for “the pitch” Showing 336 results Gratitude Notes (#16): “The answer is within you” Editor’s note: This month, we bring you brief reminders from pros around the world about what or who helped them forward in their careers.I’m grateful for a hypnotherapist in my… December 17, 2019 “Truth is whatever you can get enough people to believe.” You can’t turn around in the U.S. these days without bumping into a cry of “Fake News!” or a news story decrying the same. Not that spin is a modern… July 5, 2019 Learning from what seem the unkindest cuts A science journalist comes to terms with what is lost — and not — when favorite passages are edited out of her long-form story April 24, 2019 Wired’s executive editor seeks stories that reveal all faces of technology Rejections aren't personal: “70 percent of why pitches don't work has nothing to do with the writer” March 5, 2019 How to crack the code of live storytelling with Pop-Up Magazine "Ephemeral" true stories that inform, surprise and delight December 18, 2018 Finding a narrative in “our most urgent national conversation”: the one about guns How three reporters, a national news chain and 21 strangers who met to talk became a 5,000-word tale with character, intimacy, structure and drama October 23, 2018 Erika Hayasaki on the reality of landing a big freelance story In the second of a two-parter, the former LA Times reporter scrutinizes the first pitch – and then the revision – that earned her a cover piece in Wired August 28, 2018 Erika Hayasaki on how to leave the newsroom and kill it as a freelancer Journalist, professor, author, mother – How does she do it all? With passion, persistence, another paycheck and perspective: "I'm not just one story." August 21, 2018 At the Guardian’s Long Read, no rigid formula or geographic limits The editor's advice: Study what's been published before. Be authoritative, fresh and "arresting." Dare to send a (good) cold pitch June 5, 2018 The story ideas Mother Jones’ managing editor wants to see The magazine is known for its hard-hitting investigations, but Ian Gordon says, “We write so much about bad actors that we're always looking for people to bring some levity to… April 17, 2018 Previous 1 … 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … 34 Next