Search results for “ukraine”

Showing 47 results
A first-time war correspondent finds human stories in a devastated Ukraine

A first-time war correspondent finds human stories in a devastated Ukraine

Washington Post reporter Lizzie Johnson volunteered for a Christmas-month rotation in Ukraine, where she filed intimate narratives as well as news
Ukraine coverage: The press rises to cover a grinding war

Ukraine coverage: The press rises to cover a grinding war

By Jacqui BanaszynskiA large property sprawls on the north side of the state highway that runs from mountain cabin in the Washington Cascades to the town where I buy groceries.…
A view of Ukraine, from an America journalist who has made his life there

A view of Ukraine, from an America journalist who has made his life there

Fired from the Kyiv Post over editorial independence, Brian Bonner now is an editor without a newsroom: "Part of me feels like an amputee."
Happy memories from Ukraine haunt as a new and brutal story unfolds

Happy memories from Ukraine haunt as a new and brutal story unfolds

Of the too-many horror stories coming out of Ukraine, I find myself stopped when I read yet another about a family that fled with nothing of their settled lives. Grab…
A citizen-journalist's effort to follow events in Ukraine

A citizen-journalist’s effort to follow events in Ukraine

Time and attention in recent days have gone to friends and former students in Ukraine, asking what the rest of us, as journalists and citizens, should know, how best to…
The battle for Ukraine is also a battle for sustained attention

The battle for Ukraine is also a battle for sustained attention

EDITOR’S NOTE: This essay is excerpted from a Storyboard newsletter originally published Friday, Feb. 25, 2022 Just one day into the madness being visited upon Ukraine,…
A profile of a newspaper press becomes a requiem for an era

A profile of a newspaper press becomes a requiem for an era

Los Angeles Times veteran Thomas Curwen found professionalism and pride in the last Friday night run of the newspaper's storied presses
A longform editor on immersive storytelling and its role in journalism

A longform editor on immersive storytelling and its role in journalism

As the Guardian Long Read marks its 10th anniversary, editor David Wolf defines the qualities and purpose of literary journalism
Finding pockets of joy in the job

Finding pockets of joy in the job

The editor ponders how to support a frustrated young colleague who is discouraged by talk of industry decline
Remembering Memorial Day ~ and the sparks of fresh stories

Remembering Memorial Day ~ and the sparks of fresh stories

The editor urges a consideration of anniversary and holiday events as doorways to original story work