Search results for “writing the book”

Showing 1132 results
Turning a newspaper project into a book: Christopher Goffard on "You Will See Fire"

Turning a newspaper project into a book: Christopher Goffard on "You Will See Fire"

We recently noticed that Los Angeles Times reporter Christopher Goffard had expanded a series he had done for the paper into the book “You Will See Fire.” We’ve talked with…

When I write the book: Nieman Reports on journalists who wrestle with long long-form

The Winter issue of Nieman Reports, with the theme “Writing the Book,” is now online. It includes contributions from digital publishers, narrative writers, and a passel of journalists who have…
Amy Ellis Nutt on writing a Pulitzer-winning story: tell "readers something they don't know"

Amy Ellis Nutt on writing a Pulitzer-winning story: tell "readers something they don’t know"

The Star-Ledger's Amy Ellis Nutt won this year's Pulitzer Prize for feature writing with “The Wreck of the Lady Mary,” her five-chapter story on the sinking of a scallop boat off…
Eli Saslow on writing news narratives, creating empathy and characters' defining moments

Eli Saslow on writing news narratives, creating empathy and characters’ defining moments

Our latest Notable Narrative comes from The Washington Post’s Eli Saslow, who wrote about a Wisconsin man’s attempt to understand what the federal budget debate means for his family. In…
Oliver Broudy on modern saints, magazine writing and crossing the border to Kindle Singles

Oliver Broudy on modern saints, magazine writing and crossing the border to Kindle Singles

Seeing the gaggle of outlets now dedicated to digital long-form (The Atavist, Kindle Singles and Byliner Originals, just for starters), I wanted to talk to a narrative journalist who had written…
Isabel Wilkerson on the Great Migration, structuring an epic narrative and the challenges of writing nonfiction

Isabel Wilkerson on the Great Migration, structuring an epic narrative and the challenges of writing nonfiction

Continuing the spring flurry of awards, Columbia University and the Nieman Foundation announced last week that the 2011 Mark Lynton History Prize will be awarded to Isabel Wilkerson for her…
Anna Badkhen on her two books about war and a decade as a "professional intruder"

Anna Badkhen on her two books about war and a decade as a "professional intruder"

I had a chance to sit down last week with Anna Badkhen in Washington, D.C., to talk about her two books out this year, “Peace Meals” and “Waiting for the Taliban”…

Move over Lady Gaga; meet Ron Charles (a.k.a. the Totally Hip Video Book Reviewer)

Has book publishing found its savior? Well, probably not, but in August, The Washington Post's Ron Charles made his small-screen debut in the role of a cranky, self-important book reviewer.…

Vanity Fair’s Bryan Burrough on writing narrative: “people are dying to put down your article”

In what might be the only performance of Texas stand-up comedy about narrative writing, Vanity Fair writer Bryan Burrough recently offered practical tips for long-form storytelling to a Mayborn Conference…
Michael Kruse on monkey business and narrative writing: "if a story's not moving, a reader is probably stopping"

Michael Kruse on monkey business and narrative writing: "if a story’s not moving, a reader is probably stopping"

We talked by phone this week with St. Petersburg Times reporter Michael Kruse, the author of our latest Notable Narrative. An unusual profile of a monkey on the loose in…