Search results for “writing+the+book”

Showing 1126 results
National Book Award winner T.J. Stiles on telling good stories and asking big questions

National Book Award winner T.J. Stiles on telling good stories and asking big questions

T.J. Stiles, author of Jesse James: Last Rebel of the Civil War, won a National Book Award in November for his second biography, The First Tycoon: The Epic Life of…
CBC Dispatches (Part 3): writing for radio

CBC Dispatches (Part 3): writing for radio

[This is Part 3 in our series stealing the best tips from the audio storytelling handbook of the CBC's Dispatches radio program. Parts 1 and 2 ran earlier this week.]We at Dispatches have seen thousands…

Dark Books See Light

The writing is snappy and the voice human in this slice-of-life piece about a couple and their fateful courtship. We liked the efficient movement from event to event, the sparing…

The Four Noble Truths of Religion Writing

“Life means suffering.” According to the Buddha, that is the first of four “noble truths” that together define human existence. I’m not much of a Buddhist (I’m a lapsed Catholic…
Barbara Mahany and the spiritual landscape

Barbara Mahany and the spiritual landscape

Editor’s Note: Welcome to the newest installment of “Writing the Book,” an occasional Storyboard feature in which journalists turned authors discuss the challenges of creating their work. In this essay,…
How to lobby for time and space to tell a story

How to lobby for time and space to tell a story

As I officially join as Storyboard editor, a question about landing your big break.
When digital outreach fails, try pen and paper 

When digital outreach fails, try pen and paper 

Journalists can find value in the old-school approach of handwritten letters to gain interviews and thank sources
A journalist, a boy, and a surprising literary gift 

A journalist, a boy, and a surprising literary gift 

What a New York Times editor’s father-son trip can teach us about personal essay writing
Passing the torch of the creative nonfiction movement

Passing the torch of the creative nonfiction movement

Narrative journalism guru Lee Gutkind sunsets his seminal magazine and launches a partnership with Narratively
Effective editing: “I’m in service of you, the writer”

Effective editing: “I’m in service of you, the writer”

Author Glenn Stout has built a following as a freelance editor, giving writers confidence, solutions and sometimes channeling their voice