Search results for “writing+the+book”

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"...readers want to feel secure in the hands of the author."

“…readers want to feel secure in the hands of the author.”

This simple statement stands as a truism for all storytellers, regardless of platform or genre. Every writer, filmmaker, photographer, illustrator, podcaster, editor and teacher of same should keep some version…
Eulogy for Paradise: A breaking news story framed as the profile and history of a town

Eulogy for Paradise: A breaking news story framed as the profile and history of a town

The Facebook post was conversational and almost light-hearted:And on Day Two of Camp Fire coverage, I spilled water all over my notebook and laptop (tips?!). Seems fitting that the only…
Serendipity brings two men together on the football field, and in the rest of life

Serendipity brings two men together on the football field, and in the rest of life

A story that garners wide acclaim, gets multiple plays across ESPN and draws tweets from Reese Witherspoon is not your everyday deadline fare. For most writers, it will never happen.…
A brother's death, written by a sister, channeling their mother's voice

A brother’s death, written by a sister, channeling their mother’s voice

Sometimes I push writing students to look for new ways to tell stories.Should you start with the “small” things? Is there a story in the way a character dresses? How…
"Developing a writer's voice is almost a process of unlearning, one analogous to children's painting."

“Developing a writer’s voice is almost a process of unlearning, one analogous to children’s painting.”

A clear grasp of “voice” in writing has always eluded me. Not that I don’t have one. Everyone does. But I’ve never been able to define mine, and certainly can’t…
Thoughts on voice: What it is (and isn't). And how to find yours

Thoughts on voice: What it is (and isn’t). And how to find yours

Growing up in a family of Chinese immigrant mathematicians and scientists, then ditching my PhD in biology for a career in journalism makes me somewhat of a maverick. But that…

The Power (and challenge) of Storytelling: “Seeing more of the truth”

NewsMaven founder Zuzanna Ziomecka on biases embedded in the news and learning to notice what we don't see
Narrative in a weekend conference, and the thank-you note that followed

Narrative in a weekend conference, and the thank-you note that followed

Power of Storytelling 2018, Bucharest, RomaniaBelow is a post offered on Facebook earlier this month as a thank you to speakers and attendees at the 8th Edition of the Power…
"How could you have a new country without excellent dreamers?"

“How could you have a new country without excellent dreamers?”

The last time I posted One Great Sentence, it was with thoughts about how context informs and layers the meaning of a single line. Only when I opened that post…
Finding a narrative in "our most urgent national conversation": the one about guns

Finding a narrative in “our most urgent national conversation”: the one about guns

How three reporters, a national news chain and 21 strangers who met to talk became a 5,000-word tale with character, intimacy, structure and drama