Search results for “writing+the+book”

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At the Guardian's Long Read, no rigid formula or geographic limits

At the Guardian’s Long Read, no rigid formula or geographic limits

The editor's advice: Study what's been published before. Be authoritative, fresh and "arresting." Dare to send a (good) cold pitch
Welcome to pizza, potluck and a story potlatch

Welcome to pizza, potluck and a story potlatch

I’m writing this from a mash-up of a magazine newsroom in Bucharest. The walls are smelly and stained from a recent flood in the apartment above. Desks are cluttered with…
Steve Almond and "Bad Stories: What the Hell Just Happened to Our Country"

Steve Almond and “Bad Stories: What the Hell Just Happened to Our Country”

In a collection of essays, the writer argues that stories matter, and bad stories lead to bad outcomes
5(ish) Questions for Douglas Haynes and "Every Day We Live Is the Future"

5(ish) Questions for Douglas Haynes and “Every Day We Live Is the Future”

The author spent nearly 10 years on his project to show climate change in the extreme micro, telling the stories of two Nicaraguan women
The story ideas Mother Jones' managing editor wants to see

The story ideas Mother Jones’ managing editor wants to see

The magazine is known for its hard-hitting investigations, but Ian Gordon says, “We write so much about bad actors that we're always looking for people to bring some levity to…

“The Sun specializes in short items unlikely to tax the mental capacities of its target audience: one-paragraph news articles, one-sentence paragraphs, one-word sentences.”

Why is it great? Well, first of all, it comes from the great Sarah Lyall, who was the longtime London correspondent for The New York Times. She has such a…
The New Yorker's "Lost Giant of American Literature" and the prism of race

The New Yorker’s “Lost Giant of American Literature” and the prism of race

In both the first novel by William Melvin Kelley and recent article by Kathryn Schulz, the story of blacks is told by whites
The Power of Narrative conference captures the #MeToo zeitgeist

The Power of Narrative conference captures the #MeToo zeitgeist

With writers like Roxane Gay, the Globe's Sacha Pfeiffer and The New York Times' Emily Steel, the yearly gathering focused on the uncomfortable truths of sexual abuse
Pacific Standard's executive editor shares some do's and don'ts on pitching stories

Pacific Standard’s executive editor shares some do’s and don’ts on pitching stories

Jennifer Sahn also mounts a defense of the overwhelmed editor, and why you might not hear back right away when you email

“I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, not the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.”

Why is it so great? The writing in this famous passage is so good that George Orwell wrote a parody of it designed to ridicule the bloated writing of his day:“Objective…