Search results for “writing the book”

Showing 1130 results
National Book Award winner T.J. Stiles on telling good stories and asking big questions

National Book Award winner T.J. Stiles on telling good stories and asking big questions

T.J. Stiles, author of Jesse James: Last Rebel of the Civil War, won a National Book Award in November for his second biography, The First Tycoon: The Epic Life of…
CBC Dispatches (Part 3): writing for radio

CBC Dispatches (Part 3): writing for radio

[This is Part 3 in our series stealing the best tips from the audio storytelling handbook of the CBC's Dispatches radio program. Parts 1 and 2 ran earlier this week.]We at Dispatches have seen thousands…

Dark Books See Light

The writing is snappy and the voice human in this slice-of-life piece about a couple and their fateful courtship. We liked the efficient movement from event to event, the sparing…

The Four Noble Truths of Religion Writing

“Life means suffering.” According to the Buddha, that is the first of four “noble truths” that together define human existence. I’m not much of a Buddhist (I’m a lapsed Catholic…
Inside the acknowledgments: The making of Wright Thompson’s 'The Barn'

Inside the acknowledgments: The making of Wright Thompson’s ‘The Barn’

You can learn a lot from a work of nonfiction by seeing whom the author thanks.
How and why Katie Engelhart followed a woman's journey to her "final exit"

How and why Katie Engelhart followed a woman’s journey to her “final exit”

A California Sunday Magazine profile of a woman with dementia is included in Engelhart's new book on right-to-die issues
Singular moments, timeless questions

Singular moments, timeless questions

Sunday, December 28, 1986. An ordinary day, much like any other. Except in two operating rooms at Fairfax Hospital in suburban Virginia, where something extraordinary was about to happen.In one…
5(ish) Questions for Douglas Haynes and "Every Day We Live Is the Future"

5(ish) Questions for Douglas Haynes and “Every Day We Live Is the Future”

The author spent nearly 10 years on his project to show climate change in the extreme micro, telling the stories of two Nicaraguan women
The Power of Narrative conference captures the #MeToo zeitgeist

The Power of Narrative conference captures the #MeToo zeitgeist

With writers like Roxane Gay, the Globe's Sacha Pfeiffer and The New York Times' Emily Steel, the yearly gathering focused on the uncomfortable truths of sexual abuse
Annotation Tuesday! Jill Lepore and "The Prodigal Daughter"

Annotation Tuesday! Jill Lepore and “The Prodigal Daughter”

The historian and New Yorker writer on breaking her rule against writing personal essays and why journalists must use history with caution