The Pitch #4 rule of pitching: Know what’s come before The lack of a simple clips search can tank your idea January 20, 2021 Jacqui Banaszynski #3 rule of pitching: Flyspeck your copy In story pitches, first impressions count November 20, 2020 Jacqui Banaszynski The project pitch that won funding from the International Women’s Media Foundation "Don't start from the grant; start from the story," says reporter Ylenia Gostoli October 23, 2020 Carly Stern Pitching the IWMF: Focus on undercovered issues, think big and dare to stretch For 30 years, the International Women's Media Fund has helped fund women journalists and ambitious projects around the world October 22, 2020 Carly Stern #2 rule of pitching: Respect submission protocols Following form doesn't have to limit creativity, and shows you are a professional October 9, 2020 Jacqui Banaszynski Pitching a new editor: Don’t be too clever A successful freelancer confesses how her "motor mouth" can turn off editors and tank her good ideas October 1, 2020 Caren Chesler #1 rule of pitching: Study the publication Researching the basics of the site you're pitching to — story length, purpose and tone — reveals respect for the work of reporting September 25, 2020 Jacqui Banaszynski 7 Fatal Flaws of Story Pitches How to identify common mistakes that get in the way of landing that big idea September 3, 2020 Jacqui Banaszynski Hitting home runs with story pitches Agents and editors at the 2019 Power of Narrative conference lob feedback and advice in a live pitch session April 5, 2019 Jacqui Banaszynski Wired’s executive editor seeks stories that reveal all faces of technology Rejections aren't personal: “70 percent of why pitches don't work has nothing to do with the writer” March 5, 2019 Katia Savchuk Previous 1 2 3 4 Next