The Pitch

How to crack the code of live storytelling with Pop-Up Magazine

How to crack the code of live storytelling with Pop-Up Magazine

"Ephemeral" true stories that inform, surprise and delight
Can't wait? A Marie Claire editor tries to answer pitches within 48 hours

Can’t wait? A Marie Claire editor tries to answer pitches within 48 hours

Senior editor Kayla Webley Adler scouts for both hard-hitting and fun stories with women at the center. Helpful hint: pitch a story – not a topic
Erika Hayasaki on the reality of landing a big freelance story

Erika Hayasaki on the reality of landing a big freelance story

In the second of a two-parter, the former LA Times reporter scrutinizes the first pitch – and then the revision – that earned her a cover piece in Wired
Erika Hayasaki on how to leave the newsroom and kill it as a freelancer

Erika Hayasaki on how to leave the newsroom and kill it as a freelancer

Journalist, professor, author, mother – How does she do it all? With passion, persistence, another paycheck and perspective: "I'm not just one story."
At the Guardian's Long Read, no rigid formula or geographic limits

At the Guardian’s Long Read, no rigid formula or geographic limits

The editor's advice: Study what's been published before. Be authoritative, fresh and "arresting." Dare to send a (good) cold pitch
The story ideas Mother Jones' managing editor wants to see

The story ideas Mother Jones’ managing editor wants to see

The magazine is known for its hard-hitting investigations, but Ian Gordon says, “We write so much about bad actors that we're always looking for people to bring some levity to…
Pacific Standard's executive editor shares some do's and don'ts on pitching stories

Pacific Standard’s executive editor shares some do’s and don’ts on pitching stories

Jennifer Sahn also mounts a defense of the overwhelmed editor, and why you might not hear back right away when you email
How to break into The California Sunday Magazine

How to break into The California Sunday Magazine

Editor Douglas McGray doles out a million great tips and insights, including the possibly scary, "We really put a lot of weight on the pitch."
A veteran freelancer on pitching The New York Times Magazine and more

A veteran freelancer on pitching The New York Times Magazine and more

Reporter (and editor) Paul Tullis has been on both sides of the pitching process; here, he annotates his "Into the Wildfires" proposal
How to get the attention of a senior editor at Smithsonian Magazine

How to get the attention of a senior editor at Smithsonian Magazine

Jennie Rothenberg Gritz says of story pitches she accepts: "There has to be something surprising and narratively interesting there."