Author Jaimee Rose on a personal mystery, guiding forces, the importance of fripperies and the meaning of life In “Question of a Lifetime,” our latest Notable Narrative, Arizona Republic features writer Jaimee Rose tells a moving story about her grandfather’s search for answers regarding a top-secret mission he… June 22, 2012 Jaimee Rose and love, truth and war We love a great war story and we love a great love story, and good Lord did Jaimee Rose of the Arizona Republic deliver both with “Question of a Lifetime,” our… June 21, 2012 "Why’s this so good?" No. 47: Calvin Trillin and classic Edna Buchanan Where is Edna Buchanan when we need her? Admittedly, the lede on this recent Associated Press story wasn’t half bad:MIAMI — A witness says a naked man chewing on the face of… June 19, 2012 Justin Heckert, CRMA Writer of the Year: inside his winning stories Every spring, the City and Regional Magazine Association names a Writer of the Year, and twice the organization has handed Justin Heckert that honor. Heckert won recently for Atlanta magazine… June 15, 2012 The best of Storyboard: finding ideas Great story ideas come by luck but also with the hard work of searching, pre-reporting and thinking. From our archives, here are a few timeless pro tips for idea-mining. Follow… June 14, 2012 "Why’s this so good?" No. 46: David Gonzalez and faith When I decided to become a journalist, I believed that I had to choose between writing and my love for visual imagery and sound. David Gonzalez’s “House Afire,” a three-part… June 12, 2012 David Grann on the making of "The Yankee Comandante" From the moment David Grann’s “The Yankee Comandante” appeared in the New Yorker last week, readers have been talking about it, hailing the tale of political intrigue, passion and heartbreak… June 8, 2012 David Grann and the Yankee comandante Our new Notable Narrative, “The Yankee Comandante,” by New Yorker staff writer David Grann, is part love story, part political drama, part spy thriller. Published last week, it’s the saga… June 7, 2012 “Why’s this so good?” No. 45: Adam Sternbergh on … walking Let’s start with the headline. Sometimes, when I am trying to headline a piece and my heds are getting more and more punny and convoluted, I gather myself and remember… June 5, 2012 Kiera Feldman on investigative narrative, trauma reporting, true believers and tricky description In “Grace in Broken Arrow,” our newest Notable Narrative, Brooklyn-based freelancer Kiera Feldman unfurls an investigative story about child sex abuse and institutional accountability at a private evangelical Christian school outside of Tulsa,… June 1, 2012 Previous 1 … 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 … 240 Next