Short Takes

From majesty to mystery in one graf

From majesty to mystery in one graf

A Bloomberg Businessweek lede weaves techniques of travel writing and suspense novels to set up a tale of corporate mismanagement
A 3,000-word story, 70 email questions ~ and a grateful writer

A 3,000-word story, 70 email questions ~ and a grateful writer

A freelancer praises the meticulous process of fact-checkers
Analytics aren't the only measure

Analytics aren’t the only measure

A retired journalist revisits letters sent by readers early in her career, and is reminded that stories touch people in ways we never know
Goldilocks interviews: Too little, too much and just right

Goldilocks interviews: Too little, too much and just right

By Jacqui BanaszynskiMy fandom of American TV police/crime procedurals goes back to sharing Agatha Christie mysteries with my mother, then watching “Perry Mason” on a not-very-sharp black-and-white TV. I loved…
How to write boring wonk

How to write boring wonk

By Jacqui BanaszynskiA message popped up on my Facebook message box that captured, in short form, a not-infrequent lament I hear from reporters who long to stretch into deeper, more…
A failed lunar landing and a successful marriage

A failed lunar landing and a successful marriage

Alex Traub's straightforward obit of astronaut wife Marilyn Lovell captures history, character and romance through perfectly selected details
Story seeds from the garden

Story seeds from the garden

By Jacqui BanaszynskiEnjoy an end-of-summer delight, courtesy of Ashley Lodato, a columnist for the Methow Valley News in the far north Cascades of Washington state. Lodato’s writing has caught our…
Who says political writing has to be boring?

Who says political writing has to be boring?

By Jacqui BanaszynskiI sat down to watch the State of the Union address this week out of a sense of obligation and, to be honest, a somewhat dark curiosity. How…
Punning the way to a point

Punning the way to a point

A note from a professional friend landed in my inbox a few days ago, with this quick header:“… the best lede I’ve ever read.”So I clicked. (Wouldn’t you?) It took…
When writing sparks writing

When writing sparks writing

Lines from a Muriel Rukeyser poem echoed forward into the heart of a Christmas movie starring Dame Maggie Smith