Search results for “Nieman conference on narrative journalism” Showing 228 results Four years of reporting follows new threads in a previously reported crime story Katia Savchuk spent a year pre-reporting before she pitched The Atavist on a nuanced story of crime and mental illness August 17, 2022 Eternal pain, intractable politics and public detachment How much difference does three days make?Too much, at least when it comes to our gnat-like attention span. Three days is the time it takes for the public to shift… May 31, 2022 An Atlantic writer turned a fatal blow into a sensitive study of boxing, guilt and grit Jacob Stern knew nothing about boxing when he set out to ask a painful question: How can a boxer who killed an opponent return to the ring? January 18, 2022 How Rachel Aviv of The New Yorker exposed the “troubled teen industry” Aviv scoured court records, social media and personal journals to reveal the abuses of a system of unregulated Christian boarding schools January 6, 2022 The spiraling nature of news The news just never takes a rest, does it? Or maybe it’s a variation on the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon, aka frequency bias: Once you’ve tapped into a certain story, related stories… November 17, 2021 How a lifestyle reporter tamed the tiger of Twitter The behemoth of Twitter has been a game-changer for journalism. It has become a tool for breaking stories, making — or breaking — careers, calling attention to issues, and giving… October 14, 2021 Reporting through privacy and pain to expose the scandal of Black amputations National Magazine Award winner Lizzie Presser documents the discrimination that leaves Black diabetes patients without easy and affordable care September 15, 2021 3 rejections before a successful pitch to ProPublica’s Local Reporting Network How freelancer Max Blau persisted to land an investigative project fellowship, then a staff reporting position August 18, 2021 Industry news that honors the craft and reflects the times Even the most dramatic news about the journalism is seldom a surprise. Budgets are cut. Awards are given. Veterans retire or are bought out. Book contracts are signed.But collecting a… July 1, 2021 Two anti-racist scholars and writers take on the cultural limits of “objectivity” In a final conversation at The Power of Narrative conference, Jelani Cobb and Ibram X. Kendi argue that narrative should be used to convey fuller truths April 7, 2021 Previous 1 … 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 … 23 Next