
Public Radio International's Lisa Mullins on interviewing for story

Lisa Mullins, chief anchor and senior producer for Public Radio International’s “The World,” spoke with Storyboard by phone last week about taking a narrative approach to interviews. We included some…
Interview as story: on radio, online and in print

Interview as story: on radio, online and in print

Insane Clown PosseWhether they use full-on storytelling or just crib a few literary devices, interviews have their own narrative arcs and angles. From political drama (think the Frost-Nixon standoff or…

Stories inside and outside traditional beats: narrative nods in the winter issue of Nieman Reports

One of our sister sites, Nieman Reports, has just posted its latest issue, “The Beat Goes On.” You can take a gander at the issue in its entirety, but we…
Facebook as narrative: The Washington Post tries it out online and in print

Facebook as narrative: The Washington Post tries it out online and in print

This morning’s Washington Post print edition carried a story built out of an annotated Facebook feed. The piece was posted to last night with the title “A Facebook story:…
Andrew Rice on narrative and Niagara Falls: "It’s hard to believe that next to this natural wonder, there’s this amazing poverty"

Andrew Rice on narrative and Niagara Falls: "It’s hard to believe that next to this natural wonder, there’s this amazing poverty"

We talked this week with Andrew Rice, whose “The Fall of Niagara Falls” is our latest Notable Narrative. Rice’s career has included stints at the Philadelphia Inquirer and the New…
Somewhere over the rainbow: the past and future of Niagara Falls

Somewhere over the rainbow: the past and future of Niagara Falls

AP Photo/McElroy SilA tourist attraction falls into decline. Grand urban renewal schemes fail to deliver. Residents talk about mafia infiltration, corruption and random arson.What might sound like a lost Raymond…

Twitter as story: a work in progress

Stephen Colbert mocking the national Christmas tree’s Twitter account shows that the frivolousness of the plucky social media tool is still up for debate. No doubt Twitter’s popularity offsets some…

What we're reading: gay culture in the Middle East, stories for a body held hostage, and an athlete dying young

Our latest “what we’re reading” draws on the stalwart print newspapers and magazines that have carried the banner of long-form narrative for so long. From a 5-part investigation of a…
Michael Paterniti on storytelling (part 2): William Burroughs' final months, Mitterrand's last meal, and magical cheese

Michael Paterniti on storytelling (part 2): William Burroughs’ final months, Mitterrand’s last meal, and magical cheese

Today we bring you Part 2 of a discussion on narrative nonfiction with long-form storyteller Michael Paterniti. (If you just tuned in to the conversation, you might want to check…
Michael Paterniti on narrative voice, the power of rewrite, Bill Clinton, old cheese, and flying Spaniards (part 1)

Michael Paterniti on narrative voice, the power of rewrite, Bill Clinton, old cheese, and flying Spaniards (part 1)

Veteran magazine writer Michael Paterniti visited the Nieman Foundation a couple of weeks ago for a discussion about literary journalism with Narrative Writing instructor Paige Williams’ class and other fellows.…