Narrative News

Mark Bowden on discovering narrative and the value of beginner's mind: "only if you are truly ignorant can you ask the truly ignorant question"

Mark Bowden on discovering narrative and the value of beginner’s mind: "only if you are truly ignorant can you ask the truly ignorant question"

Next up in our series of highlights from last weekend's Mayborn Literary Nonfiction Conference is Mark Bowden. Author of "Black Hawk Down" and a former reporter for The Philadelphia Inquirer,…
Mary Karr on truth: "the least of my problems as a memoirist, as a writer, is getting my facts right"

Mary Karr on truth: "the least of my problems as a memoirist, as a writer, is getting my facts right"

Author Mary Karr showed up Friday in Grapevine, Texas, in the middle of a thunderstorm to talk about telling the truth. The first keynote speaker at the Mayborn Literary Nonfiction…
Meanwhile back at the ranch: The Mayborn Literary Nonfiction Conference and a trip to Larry McMurtry’s private library

Meanwhile back at the ranch: The Mayborn Literary Nonfiction Conference and a trip to Larry McMurtry’s private library

Heading northwest out of Dallas before morning rush hour, glass and concrete slip away to nothing but shrubs, scattered trees and long, low rises that are not so much hills…
Joe Donnelly on Slake, long-form journalism and launching a vision: "it’s about finding the right rhythm and the right way of presenting it"

Joe Donnelly on Slake, long-form journalism and launching a vision: "it’s about finding the right rhythm and the right way of presenting it"

Last month, we heard rumors from the West Coast of a new magazine devoted to long-form storytelling – a magazine that existed in print only and had no digital presence.…

Rebecca Skloot on narrating history:

"Looking for that one family, that one person, that one moment that will help hold everything together."
Death comes for comics storyteller Harvey Pekar (October 8, 1939 - July 12, 2010)

Death comes for comics storyteller Harvey Pekar (October 8, 1939 – July 12, 2010)

Comic book writer and misfit Harvey Pekar spent his life bracing for the worst, and now, finally, he can relax.Pekar was a non-fiction storyteller who recorded his daily existence for…

Short attention span theater: narrative and models of interaction

[This post is the second in a series from new media artist Peggy Nelson considering the impact of technology on narrative. Nelson's work includes a barcode narrative, a PowerPoint essay,…
Katy Butler on Greek tragedy, reader comments and how "scenes keep you close to the bone truth of things"

Katy Butler on Greek tragedy, reader comments and how "scenes keep you close to the bone truth of things"

We recently spoke with Katy Butler about her New York Times Magazine piece, “What Broke My Father’s Heart,” our latest Notable Narrative. Butler, whose work has appeared in magazines such as…

Thomas Lake on mythical storytelling and the editing process: “sometimes it’s hard to kill your darlings”

We spoke by phone this week with Atlanta magazine senior editor Thomas Lake about his story, “The Golden Boy and the Invisible Army,” our latest Notable Narrative. Lake, who also…
Pictory’s Laura Miner on curation and storytelling: "I don’t really believe the world is fundamentally different"

Pictory’s Laura Miner on curation and storytelling: "I don’t really believe the world is fundamentally different"

Here at Storyboard, we've written before on the question of words and captions in relation to photos, so we were intrigued by Pictory, an online photography site that assembles images…