Search results for “top storyboard posts”

Showing 210 results
The 1619 project: Tracing steps backwards to find a way forward

The 1619 project: Tracing steps backwards to find a way forward

Four centuries ago this year, a privateer named the White Lion anchored off Point Comfort, an English colony in what is now Hampton, Virginia. In its cramped hold, it carried…
Is it real? Or is it Instagram?

Is it real? Or is it Instagram?

The Internet of 2019 is rife with social-media influencers and articles about them. Much of the coverage is fawning and superficial: how to become one, how to make $3,000  per Instagram…
Mastering the awkward art of the interview

Mastering the awkward art of the interview

In the seven years since Max Linsky co-founded the Longform Podcast (with Evan Ratliff and Aaron Lammer), he has interviewed hundreds of storytelling luminaries: journalists, non-fiction writers and public figures.…
Romancing the moon in the reality of time

Romancing the moon in the reality of time

When it came time to write about the 50th anniversary of man’s first walk on the moon, Charles P. Pierce jettisoned sentimentality like a booster rocket.The opening of Pierce’s July…
Learning from what seem the unkindest cuts

Learning from what seem the unkindest cuts

A science journalist comes to terms with what is lost — and not — when favorite passages are edited out of her long-form story
Learning to look up, down, sideways, backwards and beyond while storytelling

Learning to look up, down, sideways, backwards and beyond while storytelling

Storytellers in any medium can learn from those in others. Writers must know how to paint mental images through the hieroglyphics of text, apply (and break) rules of grammar to…
Wired's executive editor seeks stories that reveal all faces of technology

Wired’s executive editor seeks stories that reveal all faces of technology

Rejections aren't personal: “70 percent of why pitches don't work has nothing to do with the writer”
What the "Insect Apocalypse" reveals about faulty human memory

What the “Insect Apocalypse” reveals about faulty human memory

Brooke Jarvis takes windshield wipers to environmental blindness
A writer Instagrams his way back to love ... or something close to it

A writer Instagrams his way back to love … or something close to it

Conversation with Tyrone Beason: How a Seattle Times reporter chronicled his relationship with the streets, and learned to tell a story with his phone
Braving the Drake Passage, swimming with leopard seals and interviewing a non-talker

Braving the Drake Passage, swimming with leopard seals and interviewing a non-talker

From the archives: National Geographic writer Craig Welch turns silent subjects into the compelling voices of climate change