Search results for “top storyboard posts”

Showing 210 results
Reporting beyond the first headlines

Reporting beyond the first headlines

A Washington Post team went back to Kenosha, Wisconsin, and found a story that defied easy narratives and cardboard characters
Narrative of Oregon town’s hellish wildfire experience is a lesson in deadline writing

Narrative of Oregon town’s hellish wildfire experience is a lesson in deadline writing

This past Labor Day, three reporters in Salem, Oregon were enjoying the holiday weekend. They’d done a good job preparing stories in advance so they wouldn’t have to scramble the…
#1 rule of pitching: Study the publication

#1 rule of pitching: Study the publication

Researching the basics of the site you're pitching to — story length, purpose and tone — reveals respect for the work of reporting
7 Fatal Flaws of Story Pitches

7 Fatal Flaws of Story Pitches

How to identify common mistakes that get in the way of landing that big idea
How reporting through time and place reveals character

How reporting through time and place reveals character

With transportation stymied by a pandemic, Wright Thompson couldn’t exactly hop on a plane to research a story on Michael Jordan. Instead, the ESPN senior reporter built a time machine,…
Rewriting the "hero's journey" to fit a feminine narrative

Rewriting the “hero’s journey” to fit a feminine narrative

A writer on a hunt to understand classic story structure ponders politics, movies and her grandmother's life, and searches for a journey of their own
If no one reads the news, did it happen?

If no one reads the news, did it happen?

The self-checkout line at my funky neighborhood grocery was wide open, but I waited for the old-fashioned line, with a checker and a bagger. I don’t like to weigh my…
Navigating ethics, culture and safety to immerse in immigration and Covid

Navigating ethics, culture and safety to immerse in immigration and Covid

At first glance, there are few frills or fireworks in “Tatiana’s Luck,” Hannah Dreier ‘s profile of an immigrant living in a crowded New Jersey house stalked by COVID-19. In the…
A new science writing anthology offers lessons for any journalist covering a complex world

A new science writing anthology offers lessons for any journalist covering a complex world

While there are no dearth of journalism textbooks on the market, many skim over well-trod territory rather than dive deep into a specialty field. And those that do take that…
Free writing: Releasing your inner artist

Free writing: Releasing your inner artist

Somewhere in the early pages of “Draft No. 4: On the Writing Process,” John McPhee gives a nod to daily news reporters. The author and New Yorker writer was explaining…